Tirocini rimborsati: DedaGroup cerca laureandi STEM

da placement.uniroma2.it

Tipo di Laurea: STEM

Azienda: Aziende del Gruppo DedaGroup
Offerta: tirocinio curriculare/tirocinio post-laurea
Compenso: 600 euro (800 euro su Roma) + Buoni Pasto Elettronici da 6 euro
Inviare le candidature a: risorseumane@dedagroup.it

Sedi: Trento, Milano, Torino, Bologna, Roma, Napoli

Cosa aspettarti da questa posizione?

Sarai inserito/a all’interno di una delle Business Units del Gruppo DedaGroup, in un contesto dinamico e stimolante, dedicato alla progettazione e installazione delle infrastrutture tecnologiche dei nostri Clienti.

Che opportunità avrai?

Avrai l’opportunità di frequentare un programma di formazione che nasce per favorire lo sviluppo delle competenze richieste dalle nuove professioni digitali. Un percorso formativo, della durata di 6 mesi, rivolto a giovani talenti, che alterna un mix di attività in format fisico e digitale (we are “phygital”!) e laboratori di pratica, e che si conclude con una concreta opportunità di inserimento in azienda.

Durante il training on the job ti occuperai di supportare il team nelle attività di:

  • Installazione ed implementazione dell’infrastruttura tecnologica del cliente;
  • Implementazione di nuovi metodi, procedure e sistemi per migliorare l’efficienza dei processi e dei flussi informatici;
  • Installazione e aggiornamento dei sistemi di elaborazione riconfigurando hardware e software tramite strumenti di collaudo;
  • Risoluzione di problemi e guasti che si verificano durante l’esercizio di hardware e software;
  • Valutazione di migliorie generali, modifiche di capacità, disposizioni di emergenza e ripristino.

Inoltre, entrerai a far parte della Academy Community con cui potrai confrontarti e scambiarti consigli o pareri.

Sei la persona giusta per noi se:

  • Sei un/una giovane laureando/a o neolaureato/a in discipline STEM che sta cercando una prima opportunità di carriera;
  • Hai una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese;
  • Hai una buona conoscenza del pacchetto MS Office;
  • Hai una buona conoscenza dei vari sistemi operativi;
  • Sei una persona precisa e analitica;
  • Hai una forte passione verso il mondo digitale e dello sviluppo;
  • Ami affrontare le sfide con coraggio;
  • Sei disposto a lavorare in team e a portare il tuo valore.

Tirocini: Amex cerca per Marketing Operations team

da placement.uniroma2.it


Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria, Digital Marketing

American Express, global leader in payment services, is looking for a university or master student/new graduate to support the Marketing Operations team in PAYBACK, the leading multi-loyalty program and multichannel marketing platform, belonging to the American Express Group.

What you will need to succeed

  • You are a student or new graduate in Economics, Digital Marketing, Engineering
  • Fluent in Italian, English, both written and oral;
  • Good knowledge of Office tools (in particular Excel and PPT);
  • Excellent communication capabilities and language skills;
  • Strong motivation with good interpersonal skills and team work attitude;
  • Attention to details and strong analytical skills;
  • Curiosity and time management

He/she will be involved in the following activities:

  • Support Campaign Management Operational activities with focus on website, Direct E-mail Marketing (DEM) advertising or APP
  • Support on special projects with focus on Marketing Services
  • Support the monitoring of Customer Satisfaction analysis activity with the aim of optimizing customer satisfaction process
  • Support analysis and reporting activities
  • Support suppliers management process

The intern will be able to understand and learn how to work in a dynamic working environment, collaborating closely with different teams, while deepening marketing contents, such as campaign set up, Trustpilot management, automation, AD server performance enhancement.

More information:

  • Type of internship: This internship is dedicated to students or new graduates
  • Starting date: April
  • Length: 6 months
  • Location: Virtual

If interested, send your Cv to launchyourcareer@aexp.com ref: “Marketing Operations Intern”


da placement.uniroma2.it


Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Società: Bulgari Gioielli SPA
L’offerta è aperta a laureandi o neolaureati.
Durata: 6 mesi
Inizio previsto: metà Aprile/inizio Maggio
Sede: Lungotevere Marzio 11, Roma
Rimborso spese di 800€/mese + buoni pasto da 7€


Bulgari Gioielli is offering an internship opportunity within the High Jewellery Logistic Department based in Rome.

The intern will support the logistics activities/processes for Gems and High Jewellery Finished Products, ensuring efficient and proper material handling, document completeness and correct registrations in the systems, according to Company F&A and Logistics procedures.

Main accountabilities

  • Preparing the necessary shipping documentation (e.g. CITES) and technical data sheets
  • Support the manager on handling external relations with the customs, clients, shipping agents, Ministries etc. respecting import/export rules
  • Support the performing product receiving (Finished Products, consignment, buyback/return, Quality Control)
  • Verify conformity of received products and documentation to import/export norms
  • Ensure the constant updating of the system and follow up discrepancies physical/documents with sender
  • Maintain inventory control records
  • Support all activities (picking, packing and good issue) regarding national/international shipments based on open deliveries.
  • Support the logistic team on on-going special projects

Technical Competencies

  • Grad Students/Newly Graduated in Economics or Engineering – an experience abroad is preferred
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (especially Excel). The knowledge of SAP/MM will be considered a plus
  • Fluency in Italian and English

Personal Competencies

  • Proactivity
  • Customer Orientation (both internal and external)
  • Efficient communication and interpersonal skills
  • Teamworking
  • Flexibility and pragmatic approach

Inviare la candidatura applicando al seguente link: https://bulgari.recruitmentplatform.com/FO/PCAFK026203F3VBQB798N7V11/details.html?nPostingId=409849&nPostingTargetId=579198&id=PCAFK026203F3VBQB798N7V11&LG=EN&mask=bulgari

ESO – European Southern Observatory to offer R&D Master Thesis

Atmospheric induced image motion correction, using Laser Guide Stars

Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGS-AO) is among the new technologies applied to very large telescopes, to overcome the effects of the Earth atmosphere to get high spatial resolution images of celestial objects. ESO has long term experience with LGS-AO, with operational systems at the VLT telescopes in Chile.

One of the remaining problems for LGS-AO is the need to use a natural guide star to detect the image motion induced by the atmosphere. This is reducing the number of targets (sky coverage) of LGS-AO, and is highly detrimental for Satellite Communications in which the point-ahead problem needs to be solved.

In the frame of the ESO-ESA collaboration,  together with international institutes from UK, Italy, Spain, the German space agency (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA), ESO is doing Research and Development to derive the atmospheric image motion from the LGS, something not possible until now.

We offer an R&D Master Thesis to work with our team, do field experiments at the Canary Islands and to process our existing experimental data with open and closed loop uplink corrections, to validate together our novel, proposed method.

The thesis implies working with prestigious international groups, with refined data reduction and programming at ESO Headquarters in Garching, and at least 10 nights of access to telescopes for observations, at the La Palma Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, Canary Islands in spring-summer 2021

For more info, pls send an email to the Thesis supervisor Mr. Domenico Bonaccini Calia dbonacci@eso.org

ESO Engineering and Technology Research Fellowships / Studentships

Students Conditions of Employment at ESO

Tirocini: Amex cerca per HR

At American Express, we know that with the right backing, people and businesses have the power to progress in incredible ways. Whether we’re supporting our customers’ financial confidence to move ahead, taking commerce to new heights, or encouraging people to explore the world, our colleagues are constantly redefining what’s possible— and we’re proud to back each other every step of the way.

When you join #TeamAmex, you become part of a diverse community of over 60,000 colleagues, all with a common goal to deliver an exceptional customer experience every day.

Join #TeamAmex and let’s lead the way together.

American Express, global leader in payment services, is looking for a young university or master student in Economics, Engineering or in HR related field of study, for an internship in our Human Resources Department.

For our headquarter in Rome but virtually, we are looking for an intern who will support the HR Team, that is responsible for companywide people management, including acquiring talent, developing and retaining employees worldwide, and overseeing key programs like compensation, benefits, diversity and employee relations.

What you will need to succeed

  • You are a student in Economics, Engineering or in HR related field of study
  • Fluent in Italian, English, both written and oral;
  • Good knowledge of Office tools (Excel and PPT);
  • Attention to details and strong analytical skills
  • Excellent communication capabilities and language skills;
  • Strong motivation with good interpersonal skills and teamwork attitude;

He/she will be involved in HR activities such as:

  • Support the Compensation & Benefit (C&B) team in the implementation of the main welfare initiatives
  • Support C&B international projects
  • Support C&B and collaborate with Talent Acquisition in the offer phase for external candidates
  • Analysis and reporting on the main metrics

The candidate will gain direct knowledge and hands on experience in the HR field, working closely with all departments and learning how to manage different dynamics related to a big company as American Express is.

More information:

Start: March

If interested, send your Cv to launchyourcareer@aexp.com “ref: HR Intern ” in the object line