3-7/06 – Stable Matching: basic theory and extensions. Seminari con YURI FAENZA e XUAN ZHANG (Columbia University)

Una settimana di seminari sull’argomento Stable Matching: basic theory and extensions. Relatori Yuri Faenza e Xuan Zhang, coordinati dal prof. Giampaolo Oriolo

Ecco qualche info sugli incontri. Di seguito il programma.


Il corso coprirà alcuni argomenti al confine tra l’Ottimizzazione Discreta e la Teoria dei Giochi.
  • Yuri Faenza ha organizzato il corso in modo tale che le prime lezioni siano fruibili anche a chi non è esperto dell’area. Per questo motivo Xuan Zhang, sua dottoranda, integrerà le lezioni con esercitazioni.
  • Yuri Faenza è stato studente e poi Phd a Ingegneria “Tor Vergata” e dopo alcune esperienze in post-doc in istituti prestigiosi ora ha una tenure track a Columbia Univerity: un percorso d’esempio e stimolo per molti ragazzi più giovani.


Università di Tor Vergata – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ingegneria Informatica
Dottorato di Ricerca in Computer Science, Control and GeoInformation
3-7 June 2019
YURI FAENZA, Columbia University
XUAN ZHANG, Columbia University
Everybody is welcome to attend.
More info: oriolo@disp.uniroma2.it

31/5 (12:00-13:30) AULA MULTIMEDIALE 
LECTURE 0 – Basic tools: A few facts about Bipartite and non-Bipartite Matching and about Totally Unimodular Matrices 
(In this lecture I will cover some (very basic) tools that Yuri and Xuan will rely on. NO NEED TO ATTEND if you know the topic)

3/6 (14:00-16:00) AULA PITAGORA 
YURI FAENZA – LECTURE 1 – Introduction to Stable matchings. Gale-Shapley’s algorithm: complexity and properties of the output.

4/6 (10:00-12:30) AULA PITAGORA 
YURI FAENZA – LECTURE 2 – The lattice structure of stable matchings and its algorithmic consequences.  
4/6 (14:00-16:00) AULA TBA
XUAN ZHANG –  Exercises Lecture 1 and 2

5/6 (10:00-12:30) AULA PITAGORA
YURI FAENZA – LECTURE 3 – The non-bipartite case: the stable roommate problem.
5/6 (14:00-16:00) AULA TBA
XUAN ZHANG –  Exercises Lecture 3

6/6 (10:00-12:30) AULA C5
YURI FAENZA – LECTURE 4 – Stable matchings and linear programming. Stable matchings with ties.
6/6 (14:00-16:00) AULA TBA
XUAN ZHANG –  Exercises  Lecture 4

7/6 (10:00-12:30) AULA PITAGORA
YURI FAENZA – LECTURE 5 – Beyond stability: pareto-optimality, popularity, legality.

7/03 – “Hybrid electric vehicles”: ne parla Simona Onori della Stanford University

Giovedì 7 marzo, in aula B5  – Edificio Nuova Didattica della macroarea di Ingegneria, alle h. 16, la professoressa Simona Onori della Stanford University terrà un seminario dal titolo “Hybrid electric vehicles: energy management strategies and tools for optimal energy storage systems selection”. La prof. Onori, tra l’altro, ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Computer Science and Control presso Ingegneria “Tor Vergata”.

Gli organizzatori dell’incontro, tra cui il prof Vincenzo Mulone, oltre a coinvolgere gli studenti di “Sistemi E Componenti Per La Conversione Dell’energia Da Fonti Rinnovabili” del corso di laurea in Ingegneria Energetica  invitano vivamente tutti gli interessati a partecipare.




Hybrid vehicles offer additional degrees of freedom in controlling the instantaneous torque delivered to the wheels due to their more complex powertrain architecture. This ‘content-rich’ architecture provides many opportunities to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. Realistic figures of achieavable improvement in fuel economy in HEVs range from 10% for mild hybrids to more 30% for highly hybridized vehicles. This potential can be realized only with a sophisticated control system that optimizes energy flow within the vehicle. Adopting systematic model-optimization methods, using meaningful objective functions and optimal control tools to improve the energy management controller give a more formal framework to deal with such a problem.

In this talk, we will present developments and trends of control and optimization for supervisory controllers in hybrid electric vehicles using optimization tools and we also present solutions for the selection and sizing of energy storage technologies (either in a standalone or hybrid configuration).




INCITE: 14 open PHD positions in Smart Energy Systems

logo_marie-curie14 PhD positions are available in 6 different European countries in the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project INCITE.
INCITE (Innovative controls for renewable source integration into smart energy systems) is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network (ITN-ETN) funded by the HORIZON 2020 Programme, which brings together experts on control and power systems, from academia and industry with the aim of training 14 young researchers capable of providing innovative control solutions for the future electrical networks.

Find mor info at http://www.incite-itn.eu/news/14-marie-curie-phd-fellowships-available/