Seminari Erasmus+ : 23-24/01 Jesus Gomez-Hernandez, PhD, a Ingegneria Industriale

Jesús Gómez-Hernández, PhD was born in 1987 in Albacete, Spain. He obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the University Carlos III of Madrid in 2014. He works as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Thermal and Fluids Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid, teaching several courses of Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering for bachelor students. He has worked as post-doc at the TU Delft University (The Netherlands) in the nanofluidization field. He has published 17 journal papers, co-supervised 1 Thesis and is co- author of 1 patent.

Program: Erasmus +
Hosts: Dr. Stefano Cordiner and Dr. Vincenzo Mulone

Agglomerates detection in fluidized bed technology using non-intrusive methods

23 Gennaio 2019

Aula seminari Ingegneria Industriale II piano, ore 15

Summary: The formation of agglomerates during thermochemical processes at high temperature is one of the major causes of bed defluidization. The non-intrusive detection of this phenomenon is a challenge due to the complex nature of fluidization dynamics. In this talk, new agglomeration detection methods will be explained for nanoparticles fluidization and for Geldart B particles. The experiments will show, visually and analytically, the performance of the methods, which are based on pressure fluctuation signals, to early detect agglomeration and bed defluidization.


New trends in Concentrating Solar Power

24 Gennaio 2019

Aula seminari Ingegneria Industriale II piano, ore 15

Summary: The EU’s decarbonization scenario towards 2050 is a challenge that Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with thermal energy storage systems may face in a renewable and clean way. To accomplish that objective, CSP technology must reduce its costs. This talk explains the different CSP technologies, its future trends and the developments carried out at Carlos III University. The influence of the absorption temperature of the heat transfer fluid (HTF) on the plant efficiency will be addressed. New HTFs (particles), new energy storage systems (Calcium looping) and the new solar receiver designs needed to reach high HTF temperatures will be described.

Tirocini: Tenaris cerca diversi profili di Ingegnere

Tenaris è produttore e fornitore leader a livello globale di tubi in acciaio e di servizi destinati all’industria energetica mondiale e ad altre applicazioni industriali specialistiche. Quotata in borsa a New York, in Italia, a Buenos Aires e in Messico, Tenaris è costituita da una rete globale integrata di stabilimenti produttivi di tubi in acciaio, laboratori di ricerca, centri di finitura e di servizio con attività industriali in Nord e Sud America, Europa, Asia e Africa e una presenza diretta nei maggiori mercati dell’Oil & Gas.


Il/la candidato/a verrà inserito/a all’interno dell’area Operations e supporterà il team di riferimento nelle seguenti attività:

– esecuzione della sequenza di lavorazione materiale su macchine di linea e fuori linea

– gestione materiale non conforme

– consuntivazioni del materiale lavorato

– gestione informazioni per spedizione materiale e logistica interna


  • Laureandi di I o II livello in: Ingegneria Meccanica/Gestionale/Elettrica
  • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese
  • Ottima conoscenza di Windows e del pacchetto Office

Sono inoltre richiesti: buone doti relazionali, intraprendenza, orientamento agli obiettivi, velocità di apprendimento, spirito di gruppo e flessibilità.

Sede di Lavoro: Arcore (MB)

Tipo Offerta: Stage full-time curriculare

Durata: 6 mesi

Rimborso spese mensile: 600 euro

Benefit: mensa aziendale gratuita

La ricerca è rivolta ad entrambi i sessi, come da normativa vigente

Per candidarsi cliccare QUI:


Il/la candidato/a verrà inserito/a all’interno dell’area Supply Chain e supporterà il team di riferimento nelle seguenti attività:

  • Spedizione prodotto semilavorato e/o finito – programmazione produzione.
  • Gestione della programmazione di spedizioni marittime e terrestri per un gruppo di clienti assegnati
  • Gestione del modulo SAP di Departure Notification
  • Overview del processo di esportazione/importazione
  • Gestione della fatturazione attiva
  • Gestione dei documenti di esportazione


  • Laurea o Laureandi di II livello in Ingegneria Industriale o Gestionale
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese
  • Ottima conoscenza di Windows e del pacchetto Office

Sono inoltre richiesti: buone doti relazionali, intraprendenza, orientamento agli obiettivi, velocità di apprendimento, spirito di gruppo e flessibilità. Curiosità

Sede di Lavoro: Arcore (MB)

Tipo Offerta: Stage full-time curriculare

Durata: 6 mesi

Rimborso spese mensile: 600 euro

Benefit: mensa aziendale gratuita

La ricerca è rivolta ad entrambi i sessi, come da normativa vigente.
Per candidarsi cliccare QUI:



Assegni alle matricole a.a. 2013/2014 in Ingegneria civile ambientale, Ingegneria dell’informazione, Ingegneria industriale

Il Coordinatore della struttura di raccordo della Macroarea di Ingegneria bandisce un concorso per 15 assegni dell’importo di Euro 500,00 ciascuno, al lordo delle imposte, riservati agli studenti immatricolati per la prima volta nell’A.A. 2013/14, presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” ad uno dei Corsi di Laurea delle classi L-7 Ingegneria civile ambientale, L-8 Ingegneria dell’informazione, L-9 Ingegneria industriale

Leggi il bando e scarica la domanda dal sito d’ateneo

TIROCINI/TESI: Ariston Thermo Group offre opportunità

ariston-thermoAriston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and hot water products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Ariston Thermo is looking for a young student interested to an:

Opportunity of Internship/Thesis
Technology of EWH tanks

The students will participate at the following activities:

• Mapping of business processes of construction of tanks; the job involves the collection of performance data of processes (stamping, welding, enamelling,..), the examination of data for the measurement of production efficiencies.
• suggestions for process improvement;
• Description of alternative processes of realization of tanks looking to other applications with the aim to investigate / propose new constructive approaches.

The ideal candidate is a student in Mechanical Engineer, with knowledge of manufacturing processes.

The project will run for five months

Please, send your application at (specifying the position  you’re submitting)

Ariston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and hot water products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Opportunity of Internship/Thesis
The R&D project has the aim to deepen know-how concerning premixed boilers combustion in order to identify technical solutions and products improvements.
In particular, we offer the opportunity to deepen issues related to boiler laminar premixed flames, gas dynamics and combustion instabilities from theoretical, experimental and numerical points of view.

The students will participate at the following activities:

  • Set-up and perform thermodynamic and noise measurements on boilers.
  • Perform Statistical data analysis
  • Perform simplified thermodynamics and/or fluid dynamics modeling
  • Understand and report literature state of the art

The ideal candidate is a student in Mechanical Engineer, with knowledge of Thermodynamics, gas dynamics and laminar combustion and basis of measurements, instruments and data analysis.

MS office expertise (particularly Excel) together with knowledge of Basic statistics, Minitab, Design of experiments methodology (DOE) and Matlab complete the profile.

Location: Osimo (An)

Please, send your application at (specifying the position  you’re submitting)

Ariston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and hot water products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Ariston Thermo is looking for a young student interested to an:

Opportunity of Internship/Thesis
Environmental Management System (EMS)

The students will participate at the following activities:

  • Assisting the HSE Central Team in :
  • implementing changes needed to meet the requirements of the new version of the international standard ISO 14001:2015
  • determining environmental aspects at each stage of the lifecycle of our products and services
  • developing tools/ procedures to improve integration of the environmental system with the Health and Safety management system.

The ideal candidate is a student in Environmental Engineer or Industrial Hygiene with knowledge of manufacturing processes and implementation of ISO standards

Please, send your application at (specifying the position  you’re submitting)