Tirocini: Amex cerca per Marketing Operations team

da placement.uniroma2.it


Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria, Digital Marketing

American Express, global leader in payment services, is looking for a university or master student/new graduate to support the Marketing Operations team in PAYBACK, the leading multi-loyalty program and multichannel marketing platform, belonging to the American Express Group.

What you will need to succeed

  • You are a student or new graduate in Economics, Digital Marketing, Engineering
  • Fluent in Italian, English, both written and oral;
  • Good knowledge of Office tools (in particular Excel and PPT);
  • Excellent communication capabilities and language skills;
  • Strong motivation with good interpersonal skills and team work attitude;
  • Attention to details and strong analytical skills;
  • Curiosity and time management

He/she will be involved in the following activities:

  • Support Campaign Management Operational activities with focus on website, Direct E-mail Marketing (DEM) advertising or APP
  • Support on special projects with focus on Marketing Services
  • Support the monitoring of Customer Satisfaction analysis activity with the aim of optimizing customer satisfaction process
  • Support analysis and reporting activities
  • Support suppliers management process

The intern will be able to understand and learn how to work in a dynamic working environment, collaborating closely with different teams, while deepening marketing contents, such as campaign set up, Trustpilot management, automation, AD server performance enhancement.

More information:

  • Type of internship: This internship is dedicated to students or new graduates
  • Starting date: April
  • Length: 6 months
  • Location: Virtual

If interested, send your Cv to launchyourcareer@aexp.com ref: “Marketing Operations Intern”

FairOne, società a capo di MutuiSupermarket.it, propone borsa di studio per Ingegneri gestionali

riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo

Net Economy’s Got Talent: l’iniziativa di MutuiSupermarket.it che premia i giovani talenti

Il motore di ricerca e comparazione mutui leader in Italia sostiene gli studenti di Economia e Ingegneria Gestionale con una borsa di studio da 2000 euro

Dimostra il tuo talento e diventa un leader, vincendo la borsa di studio di €2.000, messa a disposizione da FairOne S.p.A, società a cui fa capo il servizio online MutuiSupermarket.it, motore di ricerca e comparazione mutui. L’iniziativa – Net Economy’s Got Talent – destinata a studenti ambiziosi di Economia e Management o Ingegneria Gestionale, ha l’obiettivo di sostenere i più giovani a inserirsi in uno scenario globale sempre più articolato e di attrarre i migliori talenti per valorizzarlo.

Con lo sviluppo mondiale della Net Economy, termine con il quale si definisce l’offerta di servizi e prodotti legati alle tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni, l’innovazione tecnologica diventa indispensabile in un mercato altamente concorrenziale. Se a questo si aggiunge il forte impatto che sui cittadini ha avuto la crisi economica, resa ancora più drammatica dalla pandemia da Covid19, diventa ancora più rilevante lo sviluppo e l’affermazione di siti di comparazione che aiutino le persone a trovare il servizio/prodotto al costo più vantaggioso.

Le candidature verranno sottoposte alla valutazione della giuria presieduta da Vito Lops, giornalista del Sole 24 Ore, e Stefano Rossini, amministratore delegato e fondatore di FariOne SpA. Per la selezione, basta inoltrare entro il 31/05/2021 all’indirizzo borsadistudio@mutuisupermarket.it il certificato di iscrizione all’Università in corso di validità, una lettera motivazionale che espliciti come si intende usufruire della borsa di studio e una lettera di presentazione scritta da un tutor o professore universitario che attesti l’interesse per i temi oggetto dell’iniziativa. Il nominativo del candidato che si aggiudicherà la borsa di studio verrà comunicato entro e non oltre il 15/06/2021.

Il regolamento completo dell’iniziativa Net Economy’s Got Talent è consultabile all’indirizzo https://www.mutuisupermarket.it/borsa-di-studio-studenti-economia

Tirocini: Too Good To Go cerca Business Developer


Description: Too Good To Go is currently looking for Interns to join their Business Developer team in Rome.

A third of the food produced in the world is wasted. And that has a huge impact on the health of our planet, 8% of greenhouse gas emissions coming from food waste!

At Too Good To Go, we have an ambitious goal: To inspire and empower everyone to fight food waste together. We are the world’s #1 app for fighting food waste. We work with thousands of restaurants and food retailers to make their surplus food available to local consumers. The magic of Too Good To Go has been spreading rapidly across Europe and now also the US, with over 65 million meals saved across 15 countries to date.

We’re proud of what we’ve achieved so far, but did we mention the issue is huge? We are expanding our team as we speak. And that’s where you come in: we’re looking for an Intern to join our superstar Business Development team for 3 months.

As an Intern in our  Sales team, you will support the team in the following activities:

Proactively engage potential stores and build relationships.
You will need to find, access, and onboard the right stores via email and phone, and visits. You will spend +70% of your time discovering new partners.
You could also travel around your city/region with your tutor and establish strong relationships.
The mission is to develop the Italian market, with the aim to become a wonderful network that will inspire future generations.


Goals and Objectives: The intern will have the opportunity to join a fast scaling international start-up with a very real environmental and social impact, with the chance to do something that really matters – every day. Every single partner the team brings on board saves meals from going to waste. The intern will work with and learn from a smart, fun team of highly passionate and dedicated people from around the world who love food and hate waste.



  • Hungry – you’ are results-focused, understand KPIs, and driven to hit smash targets
  • Terrific talkers (and listeners) with the ability to quickly connect and establish rapport with potential partners – restaurants, cafes, and more
  • Confident relationship builders – whether on the phone or walking in off the street you enjoy making connections quickly and presenting the proposition with clarity and passion.
  • The company is looking for highly motivated students.


Languages: Mother tongue italian.


Durata indicativa prevista (in mesi): 3 mesi, 480 ore totali,
Svolgimento: full time, lun – ven

Data di inizio e fine stage: 3 maggio – 30 luglio
Facilitazioni Previste: Indennità per la partecipazione al tirocinio 300,00€/month; Rimborso spese per eventuali spostamenti

Mail di contatto a cui inviare CV con motivational letter : salesacademy@toogoodtogo.it


ESO – European Southern Observatory to offer R&D Master Thesis

Atmospheric induced image motion correction, using Laser Guide Stars

Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGS-AO) is among the new technologies applied to very large telescopes, to overcome the effects of the Earth atmosphere to get high spatial resolution images of celestial objects. ESO has long term experience with LGS-AO, with operational systems at the VLT telescopes in Chile.

One of the remaining problems for LGS-AO is the need to use a natural guide star to detect the image motion induced by the atmosphere. This is reducing the number of targets (sky coverage) of LGS-AO, and is highly detrimental for Satellite Communications in which the point-ahead problem needs to be solved.

In the frame of the ESO-ESA collaboration,  together with international institutes from UK, Italy, Spain, the German space agency (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA), ESO is doing Research and Development to derive the atmospheric image motion from the LGS, something not possible until now.

We offer an R&D Master Thesis to work with our team, do field experiments at the Canary Islands and to process our existing experimental data with open and closed loop uplink corrections, to validate together our novel, proposed method.

The thesis implies working with prestigious international groups, with refined data reduction and programming at ESO Headquarters in Garching, and at least 10 nights of access to telescopes for observations, at the La Palma Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, Canary Islands in spring-summer 2021

For more info, pls send an email to the Thesis supervisor Mr. Domenico Bonaccini Calia dbonacci@eso.org

ESO Engineering and Technology Research Fellowships / Studentships

Students Conditions of Employment at ESO


Il giorno 3 marzo 2021, alle ore 10.00, si è riunita la Commissione per il conferimento di n. 81 incarichi di collaborazione a tempo parziale ai servizi resi dall’Ateneo di cui, n. 52 incarichi da svolgersi presso la Macroarea di Ingegneria, n. 14 da svolgersi presso la Biblioteca di Ingegneria), n. 13 presso i Servizi Generali di Ateneo e n. 2 presso la CARIS; relativo all’a.a. 2020/21 in seguito alla delibera del C.d.A. del 10.11.2020 e al parere del Senato Accademico nella seduta del 20.10.2020.

Consulta il VERBALE e la Graduatoria DEFINITIVA


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