Tirocini: Consilia cerca ingegnere gestionale

Consilia, società leader operante nel settore dei servizi integrati per la Salute e Sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro per clienti Pubblici e Privati ricerca per la sede di Roma una risorsa da inserire, in tirocinio, all’interno dell’Ufficio Gare per l’esecuzione delle seguenti attività:


  • Analisi capitolati di gara/richieste di offerta
  • Elaborazione Offerte/Relazioni Tecniche;
  • Analisi e sviluppo del mercato e dei clienti
  • Ricerca e gestione di fornitori esterni di servizi


Le competenze richieste:


  • Conoscenza della normativa vigente in ambito Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro;
  • Capacità di analisi dei requisiti richiesti dai clienti;
  • Capacità di redazione di documentazione tecnica;
  • Capacità di lavorare in team


Invio CV all’indirizzo e-mail: info@consilia.net



22/11 – CUG per la Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne

In occasione della Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne (25 novembre 2018) il CUG – Comitato Unico di Garanzia organizza il convegno dal titolo “La tratta di esseri umani nelle migrazioni: le nuove forme di schiavitù” che si terrà giovedì 22 novembre alle ore 10.00 presso l’Aula TL della facoltà di Economia.


Introdotte da Elisabetta Strickland, Presidente del CUG, affronteranno il tema di grande e allarmante attualità Elisa Ercoli, Presidente dell’Associazione Differenza Donna ONG, Oria Gargano, Presidente della cooperativa sociale Be Free, Luciana Sangiovanni, Presidente di Sezione del Tribunale Civile di Roma, Sandra Sarti, Prefetto e Presidente della Commissione Nazionale per il Diritto d’Asilo e Trisha Thomas, giornalista di Associated Press.


Al convegno parteciperanno e racconteranno la propria storia vittime di traffico umano.

Il convegno gode della collaborazione del GIO (Gender Interuniversity Observatory).


Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento posti

7-8/11 – corso introduttivo sul metodo “Density functional Tight Binding (DFTB)”

Mercoledi 7 e giovedi 8 novembre, dalle 14:00 alle 15:45 in Aula B9, il Prof Gotthard Seifert della TU-Technische Universität di Dresda terrà un corso introduttivo sul metodo “Density functional Tight Binding (DFTB)”. Il prof. Seifert e’ uno dei massimi esperti in DFTB e attualmente Visiting Professor presso il  Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettronica.

Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile contattare il prof. Matthias Auf der Maur, Ph.D.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma
Tel.: +39 06 7259 7781
Web : http://www.optolab.uniroma2.it


Tight-binding Density Functional Theory (DFTB) – an approximate Kohn-Sham DFT scheme
prof. Gotthard Seifert, Theoretische Chemie, Technische Universität Dresden

The DFTB method as an approximate KS-DFT scheme with an LCAO representation of the KS orbitals can be derived within a variational treatment of an approximate KS energy functional given by second-order perturbation with respect to charge density fluctuations around a properly chosen reference density. But it may also be related to cellular Wigner-Seitz methods and to the Harris functional. It is an approximate method, but it avoids any empirical parametrization by calculating the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices out of a DFT-LDA-derived local orbitals (atomic orbitals – AO’s) and a restriction to only two-centre integrals. Therefore, the method includes ab initio concepts in relating the Kohn-Sham orbitals of the atomic configuration to a minimal basis of the localized atomic valence orbitals of the atoms. Consistent with this approximation the Hamiltonian matrix elements can strictly be restricted to a two-centre representation.
Taking advantage of the compensation of the so called “double counting terms” and the nuclear repulsion energy in the DFT total energy expression, the energy may be approximated as a sum of the occupied KS single-particle energies and a repulsive energy, which can be obtained from DFT calculations in properly chosen reference systems.
This relates the method to common standard “tight-binding -TB” schemes, as they are well known in solid state physics. This approach defines the density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) method in its original (non-self-consistent) version. Its further development – e.g. including self-consistency – as well as the aspects of the computational realization and accuracy will be discussed. Finally, several examples for applications of the DFTB method will be shown.

Procter and Gamble Rewards Female Stem Talents: apply before November 26th, 2018!

If  you are a female talent, determined and passionate about STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and looking forward to pursuing your continuous personal growth, we have an offer for you!

P&G reward for female talents is the opportunity to get one of our top-notch training in our Rome headquarters. Come and catch this golden chance to get in touch with the P&G culture, receive coaching from certified P&G professionals, network with our people and experience the way we value and develop female talent.

Are you eager to participate in this 2-day event? Read the pre-requisites to enroll and, if you believe you fit, click on the apply button below.


  • Step 1: Fill the on-line form – ensure you apply before November 26th, 2018
  • Step 2: If selected across all the applicants, you’ll get the invite to P&G Rome office – by December 7th, 2018.  We will ask your degree certificate, so get it ready!
  • Step 3: Come and join the class – Mid December 2018


At the end of the class you’ll receive a certificate of completion from P&G!


Who can apply

  • All female students with a bachelor degree in STEM disciplines gained after 01/10/2016 and with final mark higher or equal to 100/110 (or equivalent to top 10 percentile if in a different scale)
  • Passionate about technology
  • Fluent in Italian and with a good English knowledge.

Just so you know

  • We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our Company. We do not discriminate individuals on the basis of their race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, HIV/AIDS status or any other legally protected factor.
  • Our people are talented in many exemplary ways: we come from diverse traditions, personal experiences and points of view… and we would love to include yours!

Rome, Lazio